
Clepside’s main goal is to help you get to the end of the day feeling less stressed and more accomplished.

We believe that as our lives become increasingly complex, if you want to succeed in more than one aspect of your life, you must get good at planning.

Clepside is a tool for people that want to do more, more efficiently:

  • Spend the time as well as possible as you go through your day
  • Focus on one activity at a time, and do it well
  • Switch focus faster between what you’re currently doing and what you’ll be doing next, by preparing your contexts beforehand
  • Use it as a smart mission control for the tasks at hand
  • Share entires contexts and reduce redundant communications (coming soon)
  • Stop thinking about how to organise life, just focus on your goals and how to get there
  • Gain the tools to review how your time was spent, and how it’s planned to be spent in the future
  • Remove as much daily friction as possible

We’re creating Clepside to get your more free time in your day, instead of taking it away.

Structuring Life

We’ve made Clepside intuitive by using some concepts that we’re all familiar with:

  • Activities that you’re performing during your day, be it “Groceries”, “GYM”, “Dog-walking” or work-related projects
  • Sessions as slots of time in which your performing an activity, individually (or with others, coming soon), i.e. “Chemistry Class (shared), tomorrow at 10:00 -> 11:00”, “Groceries (shared), tomorrow at 15:00 -> 16:00”
  • Boards that help you organise notes and information, but that are not related to the way you spend your time, just like a regular notebook

Creating Contexts

Using Cards in Clepside you can create entire contexts. You can move and copy cards freely between your contexts. And soon, even collaborate on your cards in real time with your closest peers:

  • Keep notes and tasks related to that work project you’re currently working on
  • Store photos of the whiteboard you used in your brainstorming session
  • Create bookmarks to your future bookings
  • Write down notes for your lecture sessions

Currently Clepside supports only a handful of card type. We’re working on bringing out more card types in the future.

Designing Workflows

Some things of the things we do in life are repetitive, and that’s what we’ve considered workflows for.

We’ve created Routines to act as suggestions for your potential upcoming sessions. These suggestions are auto-scheduled based on a set of rules and priorities you define and are automatically flexible.

You can add card to your routines to create complex workflows. Cards that are added to a routine will be reset (i.e. unchecked, for to-dos) and copied into any new session you create from that routine.

We’re working on bringing insights into routines as well, and enable you to see metrics like tasks completed, times you’ve missed a routine, and more.
